Wednesday, 27 June 2007

I = Procrastinate

I = Procrastinate. Procrastinate = Me

Procrastinate is defined by as "To defer action; delay or to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness." Procrastinate is something I do well. For example, my dearest, darling sister-in-law (and no, you didn't catch a hint of sarcasm, I love her to bits) is visiting me (ok, us) this weekend and if you read my earlier post on the cleanliness of my kitchen floor you would understand if I tell you I simply HAD to paint the bedroom she'll be sleeping in. You have got no idea the kind of mess I am talking about. I could see TWO different colours beneath the creamy layer of paint. And it's not the earthy, neutral colours I have chosen for the linen. Go figure, blue and purple. It's bad enough that I have to deal with a blue carpet.

Make no mistake. Colour makes my heart sing, but then it must be applied by someone who knows the do's and don'ts of colour matching. I'm no fundi, but I do know when something looks awful. To the previous and previous-previous owners: money cannot buy you style!!!!

I had three quiet weeks to paint this room. And I'm ashamed to admit that I only started the painting process this morning. And all just because I procrastinate. When will I ever learn that it doesn't pay off? It's like a sore tooth you refuse to have pulled only because you are too lazy or scared to visit the dentist. It's going to hurt doesn't matter which why you decide to go.

I'm glad to say the painting job is almost done.

That said, the only reason why I'm writing this post is because of procrastination. I've been procrastinating about writing. Period. It's something I so terribly want to do, but because my inner critic is beating, kicking and drowning every sentence, I just can't get myself to pick up a pen and write. So there you have it. This is my post to get out of this terrible habit, rut, laziness or just plain fear, which ever way you choose to see it.

PS: This is normally the part where I promise you and myself I'm going to write a little everyday. This is also the part where I bite my tongue for putting myself in a position where I have to deliver on my promise. Nevertheless, maybe I should try.


Dennis said...

Wow! Another great post!! And well written. I couldn't help thinking "ME TOO" the whole time I was reading this. I find some tasks impossible to begin until there is a crisis (such as being nearly out of time). But then, something clicks into place and I'm suddenly able to do the thing that was so elusive previously. It's hard to live that way. But GOD I love the rush . . .

Kae-Lyne said...

Adrenaline junkie you are! I guess that makes one of me too. However, I'm going fight this harassing demon, banish him and send him to the deepest waterless pit. This is one malignant part of me that needs to stop. It stood in the way of so many good things in my life. Kae

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's a nice compliment to my personality - other times it's an adversary. I guess the point is to be more "choiceful" in what I do or don't do.

It's funny, but I seem to always feel "crushed" by the weight of the task that I can't seem to begin. Then, after it's done, I'm thinking, "Well that wasn't so bad now was it?"